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Brief Description

What is BACTap? BACTap is an app where you can measure your BAC using a typing test on an app. This test uses comparative analysis to draw conclusions between the differences in how you type normally to when you are inebriated. The app goes beyond just a BAC measuring device, incorporating tools such as group functionality, ride sharing access, info on events in the area, and long term analysis on alcohol consumption. I have submitted applications for I2P and start up LAUNCH (decision pending). What Societal problem do we address? The societal problem BACTap solves is subjectivity in monitoring drinking. People today, especially young adults, have difficulty understanding the effect of alcohol on their body. Just one mistake can lead to dangerous repercussions. The only current way to empirically understand your BAC is with a breathalyzer. Yet, they are not accessible; they are expensive and no young adults own one or want to take one out with them. What we need to do? I want to build a prototype of my invention so that I can prove its feasibility. The success of a prototype would be the proof of feasibility I need to acquire more funding from grants or a crowdfunding campaign, freeing me with the capital to perform the reset of product development and create the full fledged product. Also, creating a working prototype is the biggest challenge I face in BACTap’s path from where we are today, to a real company. It would prove my ideas worth and incentivize me to seriously pursue this idea. What is our short term goal? By the end of spring 2020, I want to have a bare bones, but working version of BACTap. The algorithm would be based off of linear approximations from experimentation I will perform. I will perform 3+ hours of research a week and continue my customer discovery of 20 interviews a week. By the end of the semester, BACTap will have a total of 48+ hours of research into its prototype, and 500 customer interviews. With the help of a cofounder (or cofounders) these numbers will be higher. Current status of BACTap The current status of my project is 170 customer interviews conducted during startup lab with proven product market fit and an MVP with which to perform experimentation with. I have defined through evidence based entrepreneurship my customer segment, channels, customer relations, and value proposition.

Is your product available?
No, but we know how to do it.
What skills do you (and your teammates have)?
Project Management
What skills do you need?
Application Development